Sunday, September 13, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015

So what do you think of this bloggy thing? I'm kind of hoping that I can make it more personal and explain some things more. Also, you'll be able to respond and ask me  questions and such in the comments-stuff you might forget to ask me later. We'll give it a shot and if you don't like it, we'll go back to the other way.

I sure did miss you in church today by the way! Mrs. Melody gave me your secret sister information-so remind me to give it to you!

Today I want you to start first by just praying. I have really realized in the last few weeks the amazing power of prayer.  I have been praying for you more than I have in the past. I am so thankful for you!! Also, spend a little time reading your bible. If you need a guide for where to start, here is a daily bible reading schedule. (right click on it and open in a new tab to see it bigger)
If you are already reading a certain book in sunday school or youth, go with that! I'd love to hear about it in the comments.

For History, lets keep going with the native americans. We've already learned about the Woodland tribes, so lets move on to the Southeastern ones. These are the ones lived here. We actually have these natives in our family, though I'm not sure which tribe.  Read pages 57-65 in your Alabama History book. You'll be learning about the Muscogee.  The Europeans renamed them the "Creeks" but we see that word Muscogee a lot in this area. Columbus is in Muscogee county.  Answer the questions and do the vocabulary words on page 65.

For math, lets keep working on XtraMath. How are your skills coming?

What chapter are you on in Blood on the River? Read the next chapter and do the questions and activities for that chapter. I'm really glad you're enjoying this book. I'm already looking at ideas for our next book!

In Science we're still learning about cells. Here is a link for our next chapter:Cell Transport
Be sure and watch the video and answer the questions after you read the text.

I want us to work on writing persuasively together today. You write well, we just need to work on the form a little. Get with me today and we'll talk about that.

In Spelling we'll do our spelling pretest for Ch. 3. 
How do you feel about the grammar we've been doing? I don't feel like its really working well. Lets talk about that today and see if we want to change things up a little with that. 
For life skills I want for us to talk about being prepared in case of a disaster. We're going to start a pillow case project. Be thinking about what you would want to have with you in case of an emergency-be more practical than sentimental. 

I hope you like this blog-I feel like I'm really liking it so far! Love you much!! 

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so I didn't notice that the reading plan was only for a few months. Check out this one or find one that you like better if you like!
