Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Boo. That's scary. woooo! 

Let's get this school work thing going....

History: Since we have finished with learning about the early French, English, and Spanish explorers and the lost colony of Roanoke, we are going to start learning about the colony of Jamestown. Jamestown was the first permanent English colony in the Americas. It was established in 1607, 115 years after Columbus came to the new world. This is where we meet Pocahontas, but not the way the Disney movie shows it. 

Watch this short video. 

After watching this video, read the basic story of Jamestown below (There's much more to it, but we'll get to that another day)-then try playing this Jamestown game. 

Basic story of Jamestown Colony

The Virginia Company was assigned land in the New World by the king of England. They had high hopes of making a lot of money by growing and making things in their colony that they could ship back to England for a profit. To do this, they needed a labor force.
The Virginia Company advertised for colonists. Anyone who agreed to make the journey was promised 50 acres of land and a share in the profits. That was quite an offer. About 1000 people accepted. A ship set sail for the New World.
Jamestown was the name of the area selected by the Virginia Company to be the new home of these colonists. It was a swampy area, nearly an island, connected to the mainland by a sandbar. It was selected because the Virginia Company believed it could be defended. The colonists were not worried about the natives. The Indians in the area seemed friendly. They were worried about Spanish invasion.
The choice of location did not work out well. The colonists soon ran out of game on the "island", and fresh water was in short supply.
They had other problems. The colonists were badly equipped to start a colony. About half of the colonists had been "gentlemen" back in England. They had little or no work experience. They knew nothing about farming or building. They had no intention of doing any of the work. They expected the others to feed and care for them. As you can imagine, this did not go over well with the other colonists.
Even then, the colonists in Jamestown might have survived if they had had time to plant crops and harvest before winter set in. They did plant. But they were not worried about food. They expected ships to arrive from England. But only a few ships arrived. The ships brought some supplies, but the ships had been sent to take goods back to England, goods that had not yet been created by the colonists.
They might have survived if they had abandoned their original settlement and moved inland where food, water, and firewood were in ample supply. Of course, they did not know if the natives would remain friendly if they moved inland. And the fort they built on the "island" did offer some protection. So they did not move inland.
If it had not been for the generosity of the Indians in the area, they all would have died.
As it was, with only two doctors, low supplies of food and fresh water, freezing temperatures, and almost no medicine to combat disease, only about 100 of the original colonists survived Jamestown.

For Math, do XtraMath and fix the 9 problems that you did not have correct yesterday. (The last one is actually already corrected for you)

For Science read the next lesson on Active Transport. Watch the video and answer the three Review questions at the bottom. Send them to me on Google Drive, please. 

For Reading, read for thirty minutes (anything you like) and then look at Exercise 1 at the bottom of page 7 in Reading for Thinking.  Make SURE you read the directions and follow the survey steps or you will end up doing a whole lot of unnecessary work! 

I liked your description that you wrote for writing yesterday. I made some notes on it. Go look at them and see what you can do with it! 

For Grammar try and see if you can put the commas in the right spots in these compound and complex sentences. 

Ok sweet girl, I'm off to bed. Hopefully tomorrow will be magical, but remember:

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Be like the Narwhal. Don't use drugs. Happy Wednesday. 

So have you ever been so tired that you feel like your body is tired all the way down to your bones? Like...literally? Like....from your skin..through the layer of fat under your skin, through your muscles and blood and blood vessles, all the way down to the very center of your bones-is tired? 
Yeah...that's where I am as I am writing this blog. This means one of two things-its going to be really boring, or funny-like...really funny. Because it may not even make sense. And I may kinda ramble. And I wish you could hear my voice that I imagine in my head as I say this because I think it would be more amusing. I fell of some steps today. 

So...History. One explorer to go! yay!! Not that there weren't more explorers-there were lots. On your free time, you should google them. They're great. Today we're learning about Sir Walter Raleigh. Read about him here. The really cool thing about Sir Walter Raleigh's story is the Island of Roanoke. This was always one of the most fascinating stories to me. Raleigh helped to establish this colony, but then the video-
(btw, I loved this show when I was younger. I watched it all the time!) 

How did Math go yesterday? Today do XtraMath, and then complete the 18 problems at the end of the lesson you read yesterday. 

For Science do the practice questions for the lesson on Diffusion. 

I got a new Reading book on Monday.  This book isn't stories that you read an answer questions about, but skills to use in reading. We'll be using this also. Read anything you like for at least 30 min, and then read pages 1-6 in Reading for Thinking and answer the 5 T/F questions at the top of page 7. 

For Grammar we are going to be talking about compound and complex sentences today. Watch this shmoopy video. The video doesn't specifically talk about where to put the commas in these sentences, but pay attention to where the commas show up!! 

Questions?? KIK me!! (seriously. DO IT!) 

For writing-first let me say that I really enjoyed your writing from yesterday! I left you a note on it if you want to go back and look.  
Today I want you to choose one of these topics and write about it. 

  1. Go to one of your favorite spots and write a description of the setting: it could be your bedroom, favorite coffee shop, or a local park. Leave people, dialogue, and action out of it. Just focus on explaining what the space looks like.
  2. Who is your favorite character from the movies? Describe the character from head to toe. Show the reader not only what the character looks like but also how the character acts. Do this without including action or dialogue. Remember: description only!
  3. Thirty years ago we didn’t have cell phones or the Internet. Now we have cell phones that can access the Internet. Think of a device or gadget that we’ll have thirty years from now and describe it.
  4. Since modern fiction is light on description, many young and new writers often fail to include descriptions, even when the reader needs them. Go through one of your writing projects and check to see that elements readers may not be familiar with are adequately described.
  5. Sometimes in a narrative, a little description provides respite from all the action and dialogue. Make a list of things from a story you’re working on (gadgets, characters, settings, etc.) and for each one, write a short description of no more than a hundred words.
  6. Write a description for a child. Choose something reasonably difficult, like the solar system. How do you describe it in such a way that a child understands how he or she fits into it?
  7. Most writers dream of someday writing a book. Describe your book cover.
  8. Write a one-page description of yourself.
No  Spelling or life skills this week! 

I love you mucha-lucha sweet girl and remember: 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Hey baby girl! I missed you yesterday. I really enjoy your company on Mondays. I know Nicholas Cage isn't Tyler Oakley, but...Tyler Oakley happens to use a LOT of bad language-at least in the quotes I am finding under "images" on Google. So you're stuck with Nick.

I want to talk to you a little bit about the arguing between you and Daddy, and sometimes you and I also. I want to talk to you about this face to face though, not through a blog. I would like for you to read this first though. Its written for someone who is already out on their own, but I think the basic thoughts still apply. 

Please keep in mind that any plans this weekend depend on ALLLLLL school work being finished each day. The only thing you'll be doing is the fall festival (minus Brooke) if it isn't. 

For History today, we're learning about another explorer-Jacques Cartier (Jacques sounds kind of like "Jack" with a french accent). He was born the year before Columbus came to North America. He was French and claimed Canada for France. (That's why there are areas of Canada that still speak French today).  He also named Canada. 
Watch this video: 

Here is more information about him. 

Add his information to your chart. 

One more explorer and then we'll be moving on. 

For Math, do your XtraMath, then we're going to work on something else. Look over this math lesson. It works just like your Science lessons. Read the lesson and watch the video. Do any practice problems that are in the lesson, but not the list of problems at the end. 

In Science, you've read about Diffusion, but today we're going to read about how its used in real life on a daily basis.  Read the information and watch the video. Answer the three questions at the bottom using the information you've learned. Try taking notes while you read and watch the video and see if that helps you answer the questions. Listen for those things that you think will be important. Remember you can stop the video when you want to write something down. 

Today we are going to start working on Grammar.  You're writing is amazing. You impress me on the daily. (see what I said there? I'm with it.) Your writing will only improve with better grammar skills. Read the introduction on page vii-viii (right in the front). 

Today we'll be talking about commas in a series, in dates, and places. 

Using commas in a series

In English you can use series commas when you list items. Separating items in a list helps clarify things. Imagine that you text a shopping list to your roommate Charlie, who’s at the store shopping for your birthday party. Everything’s on one line.
flashlight batteries butter cookies ice cream cake
How many things does Charlie have to buy? Perhaps only three:
  • flashlight batteries
  • butter cookies
  • ice cream cake
Or five:
  • flashlight
  • batteries
  • butter cookies
  • ice cream
  • cake
How does Charlie know? He doesn’t, unless you use commas. Here’s what Charlie actually needs to buy — all four items:
flashlight batteries, butter cookies, ice cream, cake
To put it in a sentence:
Charlie has to buy flashlight batteries, butter cookies, ice cream, and cake.
The commas between these items are signals. When you read the list aloud, the commas emerge as breaths:
Charlie has to buy flashlight batteries [breath] butter cookies [breath] ice cream [breath] and cake.
You need commas between each item on the list, with one important exception. The comma in front of the word and is optional. Why? Because when you say and, you’ve already separated the last two items. But if you want to throw an extra comma there, you’re welcome to do so. It’s your choice.
Never put a comma in front of the first item on the list.
Wrong: Charlie has to buy, flashlight batteries, butter cookies, ice cream and cake.
Right: Charlie has to buy flashlight batteries, butter cookies, ice cream and cake.
Also right: Charlie has to buy flashlight batteries, butter cookies, ice cream, and cake.
Also right, but not a good idea: Charlie has to buy flashlight batteries and butter cookies and ice cream and cake.
You don’t need commas at all in the last sentence because the word and does the job. Grammatically, that sentence is fine. In reality, if you write a sentence with three ands, your reader will think you sound like a little kid or a tape on continuous rewind.
Here’s a pop quiz. Punctuate the following sentence.
Belle requested a jelly doughnut a silk dress four sports cars and a racehorse in exchange for the rights to the computer code she had written.
Answer: Belle requested a jelly doughnut, a silk dress, four sports cars, and a racehorse in exchange for the rights to the computer code she had written.Note: You may omit the comma before the and.

Commas in dates and address

Commas are good, all-purpose separators. They won’t keep you and your worst enemy apart, but they do a fine job on addresses and dates — especially when items that are usually placed on individual lines are put next to each other on the same line.

How to punctuate addresses in your writing

Where are you from? Jill is from Mars. Belle is from a small town called Venus. Here’s her (fictional) address, the way you see it on an envelope:
Ms. Belle Planet
223 Center Street
Venus, New York 10001
In the body of a letter, you can insert an address in envelope form like this:
Please send a dozen rockets to the following address:
    Ms. Belle Planet
    223 Center Street
    Venus, New York 10001
The introductory words (Please send a dozen rockets to the following address) end with a colon ( : ) if they express a complete unit of thought. If the introductory words leave you hanging (Please send a dozen rockets to, for example), don’t use a colon.
If you put Belle’s address into a sentence, you have to separate each item of the address, as you see here:
Belle Planet lives at 223 Center Street, Venus, New York 10001.
Notice that the house number and street are not separated by a comma, nor are the state and zip code.
If the sentence continues, you must separate the last item in the address from the rest of the sentence with another comma:
Belle Planet lives at 223 Center Street, Venus, New York 10001, but she is thinking of moving to Mars in order to be closer to her friend Jill.
If there is no street address —just a city and a state — put a comma between the city and the state. If the sentence continues after the state name, place a comma after the state.
Belle Planet lives in Venus, New York, but she is thinking of moving to Mars.
Commas also separate countries from the city/state/province:
Roger lives in Edinburgh, Scotland, near a large body of water. His brother Michael just built a house in Zilda, Wisconsin.

How to punctuate written dates

The rules for placing commas in dates aren’t very stable these days. What was once carved into stone is now sometimes viewed as old-fashioned. To make matters even more complicated, writers from different areas (science, literature, and the like) favor different systems. If you’re writing for publication, check with your editor about the publisher’s preferred style.
If the date is alone on a line (perhaps at the top of a letter), these formats are fine:
September 28, 2060 (traditional)
Sept. 28, 2060 (traditional)
28 September 2060 (modern in the United States, traditional in many other countries)
When dates appear in a sentence, the format changes depending upon how traditional you want to be and how much information you want to give:
On September 28, 2060, Lulu ate several thousand gummy candies. (Traditional: commas separate the day and year and the year from the rest of the sentence.)
In October, 2060, Lulu gave up sugary snacks. (Traditional: a comma separates the month from the year and the year from the rest of the sentence.)
Lulu pigs out every October 31. (Timeless: both the traditional and modern camp omit commas in this format.)
In October 2060 Lulu suffered from severe indigestion. (Modern: no commas appear.)
Lulu visited a nutritionist on 20 October 2060. (Modern: no commas appear.)

Got it?? Questions?? KIK me!
After you finish reading over these lessons, do this activity
For Reading read the first chapter in Fangirl and tell me what you think! 
For writing do today's Daily 10 topic: Prankster: Write about mischief that you have planned, committed, or observed. Make it as descriptive as possible. After you finish, take some more time and see if you can edit it to make it really descriptive. 

No Life skills today. 

Whew!! That took a while! Are you still with me?? I love you dearly-I don't even know if you understand what a joy you are in my life. And remember: 

Connor Franta is a sloth. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Thursday, October 22, 2015

I am just going to jump to the assignments today: 

History-Today we're learning about Ferdinand Magellen. Watch this video and read about him. He is the first to sail around the world. Add his information to your chart.

Math- XtraMath

Science- Practice questions 

Spelling-Write a sentence with each of the following words. Bonus if you can make them into a story!
exasperation   exhilarate   falter   foresight    fragrance   furtive    grueling     gusto   habitation  hasten
Use the definitions here to help you.

Writing-Today we're going to start a new kind of writing. We're going to start descriptive writing today. When we write descriptively, we use all the senses, hearing, touch, taste, smell, sight. You don't just tell your reader what is going on, you show them. Today we're going to play a little show and tell. I'm going to give you a simple sentence, and you give me a descriptive sentence that says the same thing, just with more detail.  Here's an example:

Simple Sentence                                                                       Descriptive Sentence

I was happy.                                                                  I skipped all the way home, humming songs in
                                                                                            my head.

Ok, here are your simple sentences:

The house was a mess.

We lost. I was sad.

I was really scared.

She was angry.

Give me a descriptive sentence for each one of these simple sentences.

Reading-I have another book on the way. Continue reading whatever you like today for at least 30 min.

Life Skills- continue in your Lifepac

I know this isn't a fun blog, but I'm tired and I'm afraid that tomorrow may be a rough one with James sick. Please keep him in your prayers!

I love you so so much, and remember:

Monday, October 19, 2015

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Its like Monday.......but not. 

Welcome to Tuesday dear girl! I know yesterday was so busy. I enjoyed having you along though!! I really thought you had some great points during our Of Mice and Men class, and I'm proud of you for finishing the book! The next book we'll be doing is called "The Crucible". Its a play about the Salem Witch trials. I haven't read it so I can't really give you more information than that. I'll look into it more and then we can decide if we're going to do this month's lit group or not. 

For History today, we're going to learn about Sir Francis Drake. Take a look at this powerpoint presentation about him. Remember to  fill in the information about him on the chart you made on Thursday. 

For Math, continue with XtraMath. You've moved up 13 points since you took the placement test for subtraction. You're steadily creeping up, which is great and I'm proud of you!! Let's see if today we can make a bit of a jump. Remember not to guess on a problem, but really think it out before you answer. Remember your fact families! 

You did a great job on your practice questions in Science!! I'm so proud of you! 

Today we're going to be starting on a new chapter about Diffusion. Read the chapter and watch the video at the end. Write down any questions you may still have that we need to discuss and send them to me on kik. I may not answer them until I get home, but I would like to see what they are. 

For Spelling find your spelling book. When you do, write sentences for the next 10 words. 

For writing do today's Daily 10: Pumpkin Carving
Describe any personal experience you have had with this all-American tradition.
That's it for writing today. 

For Reading today, I would like for you to read something you would just enjoy reading for at least 30 minutes. I would like for this to be a book we have here at home, not on wattpad. 

For life skills, finish the next section in your life pac on child development. 

I love you muchly sweet girl and you make me proud every day!! And remember: 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Happy Thursday, Baby Girl! 
(Sorry. I just watched Criminal Minds.) 

How are you enjoying Cubbies? I'm so glad to see you finding areas to serve at church. I know this isn't the first time you have, but it makes me happy to see that this is important to you. Service is just as important as tithing in my opinion. Its a tithe of our time. You know I grew up in the Methodist church, and when we join the pastor asks you "Do you promise to up hold it (the church) with your prayers, your presence, your gifts, and your service?" That's kind of a big promise to make, but I wish the baptist church did that also. I have gone through periods of not upholding the church in all of the areas, but I think-at the moment-I'm doing pretty well! I'm glad to see that you're making these things a priority also. :) 

For History today, we're going to keep learning about more explorers. So far we've learned about Leif Erikson from Denmark, Christopher Columbus (who was Italian but sailed for Spain), and John Cabot (who was Italian but sailed for England).  Today we're going to learn about Amerigo Vespucci. Vespucci was an Italian who later lived in Spain. He proved that North and South America were not part of Asia as Columbus believed. North and South America are named for him. Watch this video about him. 

After you watch the video, I want you to make a chart or a foldable (you choose).  You need space for eight different explorers. Their names are: Leif Erikson, Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, Amerigo Vespucci, Sir Francis Drake, Ferdinand Magellen, Jacques Cartier, and Sir Walter Raleigh. We'll learn about the last four next week. On your chart or foldable, include the following information: Name, birth/death year, where they were born, what country they sailed for, what discovery they made, and how they died (if you can find that out.) Go ahead and put the information in for the first four today. 

Whew! that's a lot of work! 
(Again with the Criminal Minds? Yes Bethany. Yes. You may get a lot of this on Thursdays. I'm just sayin'.) 

For Math, continue with XtraMath. You've improved by 7 points so far since the placement test. Keep working! 

For Science do the practice questions on the chapter about Passive Transport. 
I see that you needed help with the question that said "Explain two ways materials can enter the cell through passive transport." Look for a sentence in the lesson that says: "One example of passive transport is____________, when molecules move from an area of high concentration (large amount) to an area of low concentration (low amount)." (but fill in the blank). The next section talks about a second way that materials can enter the cell-materials that are larger. 

For Reading, read the next three chapters in Of Mice and Men. If you didn't read the first three chapters yesterday, you will need to read all six today. How are you liking it? I would love to hear! Tell me on KIK! 

I'm still not seeing your Spelling sentences! Today I want you to write a sentence for each of your spelling words plus write the definitions of each of your words. Don't forget that tomorrow is your spelling test. 

I really liked your Daily 10 from yesterday! We need to start working on some grammar so that you can really have some amazing stuff. I love the way you are able to put your thoughts down on paper! 
Today for writing do this topic for Daily 10: Doctor Tales
Give me ten on a memorable visit to a doctor's or dentist's office.
After you finish your Daily 10, look at this chart. 
There are 250 ways to say "went" here. I want you to make me a chart with other ways to say "a lot". You may not get 250, but get as many as you can. These don't have to come straight out of your head. Use a thesaurus, google, whatever to help you. 

For life skills I looked for your lifepac to see how you did on the first two sections, but I didn't see it. I figured it was in your room but I didn't want to wake you up. Do the next section on child development. If you haven't finished the first two sections, you need to finish those also. 

You know, every day I pray for you and thank God that He gave you to me. I don't know where I would be without my children! Always remember that I love you, even if you do stuff like this: 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

(I know this isn't a funny intro to the day, but I kinda liked it!)
Happy Tuesday :D 

So Daddy finished using the computer earlier than I thought he would, so I am able to write your blogginess after all :) 

I'm so glad that you're enjoying co-op! I told Mrs. Suzanne that you are enjoying neuroscience, and I'm glad there was an artsy class for you to take too. I know you really enjoy those. I enjoyed our "Pinterest Adventure" together today! We need to do that again soon! 

For History today we are going to be learning about another explorer. His name is John Cabot. He was an Italian man who moved to England. His name when he was born was "Giovanni Caboto". Giovanni is the Italian form of John.  About 5 years after Columbus discovered North America (thinking it was Asia), John Cabot discovered Canada (also thinking it was Asia!) for the King of England.  Look at this website to learn more about Cabot and his voyages. After you read about John 
Cabot, watch this mini-biography about him. 

Answer these questions about John Cabot: 
John Cabot Short Answer Questions 
1. Why do you think Giovanni Caboto changed his name to John Cabot?
2. Like John Cabot, Christopher Columbus was born in Italy. Columbus sailed for the King and Queen of Spain. What country’s flag was on Columbus’ ships? Why? 
3. What was John Cabot looking for on his journey? 
4. Would you have traveled with Cabot? Explain why or why not. 
5. Why was Cabot’s proposed northerly route across the Atlantic Ocean better than the route Columbus took across the middle of the Atlantic Ocean? 
6. Who do think should be given the credit for “discovering America” – the Vikings, Columbus or John Cabot? Why? 
7. Today we keep in touch with friends, family and the people we work with by cell phones and e-mail messages and we know where we are in the world by using a GPS device. Compare this technology with the navigational tools Cabot had. 
 8. What could have happened to Cabot that would have made five ships disappear and never be heard from again? 

I noticed in Math that you haven't finished your placement test for XtraMath-subtraction. You need to make sure that you do that today! 

For Science we're going to move on to the next chapter. You did a great job with your foldable for ogranelles! The next chapter is about Passive Transport. Read the lesson and watch the video at the end. Be sure to answer the questions!! I want to see those on Google Drive today. I'll be watching for them

For Spelling write sentences with the next 10 words in your 100 words book. 

For writing begin planning your Patriot's Pen essay. Brainstorm about things you would like to include in the essay. This is a link to an 8th grader's essay of "What Freedom Means to Me".  I'm giving it to you, not to copy her ideas, but just to help give you an idea of how to write it. Maybe this will help get your creative juices flowing. This girl won a contest with this, but honestly I think you're a better writer! 

For Reading finish the last three chapters in BOTR-And you're all done with the book! 

For life skills we're going to start talking about child care. This could help you with getting babysitting jobs. Lifepac #9 is on the kitchen table. Read pages 2-4 about the stages of child development, and answer the questions at the top of page 5. 

I love you so much and I hope you're having a great Tuesday, but if not remember: 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Its Thursday! woot. 
I actually kinda like Thursday. I don't even know why, but I do. I'm so thankful for 
We have a lot to get done today, so I want to get started and not play around ok? 

For History I would like to hear your thoughts on the video you watched yesterday. We're also going to make a "cause/effect" chart to show the impact of the introduction of Europeans to the west had on the natives that were here at the time. 

For Science, do the chart I told you to do yesterday, then try for a better score on the practice section of the chapter on organelles. 

For writing, do the Daily 10 topic: 
Life is Good
Describe a perfect way for you and a group of friends to celebrate life.

Finish writing your supporting sentences for your persuasive paper that you were supposed to do yesterday and show them to me so that they can be edited. 

In XtraMath, I'm moving you on from addition to subtraction. You'll take the placement test today. Subtraction should go much more quickly because you know all the addition facts. Just remember that facts live in families. For example: 
This set of problems uses the same three digits, just rearranged into different problems. That's all you'll have to remember when you're doing subtraction.  What is 4-3? Well, 3+?=4. 1 right? Because all of those digits are in the same family. Easy as pie. 
For Reading you and I are going to read the next three chapters together-so chapters 18-20.  On Friday we'll read chapters 21-23. You and I can take turns reading. On Monday you can finish up chapters 24-26. 

For Spelling study your words for your test tomorrow. 

For life skills we're going to set up a tent and get it ready to pack for camping! :D

I've enjoyed my week off with you. I know its not over yet, but I feel like its going so fast!! 

I love you so very much, and remember....

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

This Canadian moose wants you to have an awesome day. 

Good morning sweet girl! I am so enjoying having extra time with you during the day! I love you so much. I don't know if I tell you enough, but I really do. 

I read this verse tonight and I wanted to share it with you. It made me think of you and Bryanna and Curt:  Ephesians 1:16-17 I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.

I do thank God for you-daily! Do you have anything you would like for me to pray about with you? I would love to do that if you want me to! 

For History watch this video. It explains a little more clearly WHY we need to study about Christopher Columbus and how his voyage affected history and the people. 

Also, you've probably heard this referred to several times by now, "In fourteen hundered and ninty-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue."  That's from a poem about Christopher Columbus. Here is a copy of it for you to read. 
For Reading, continue reading BOTR. Remember, you don't have to answer any questions. Just finish the book and you will write a book report on it. 
For writing, do a Daily 10 on this topic, "New World Explorer
Where would you choose to go for a modern day adventure?" 
Also, I made notes on your thesis statement from yesterday. Read those and follow the instructions there. 

Continue with XtraMath. You are at 80% now! You started at 30! You've come a long away! 

(Yes. This smiley face has a mustache. You're welcome.)

For Spelling write a sentence with each of your new spelling words. They are marked in the back of your "100 words" book. 

For Science we are going to make a foldable poster describing the function of each of the organelles. I will help you with this. This list can help also. 

This should keep you busy for today. I love you so much!! 
Have a great day, and remember: