Sunday, November 8, 2015

Monday, November 9, 2015

Welcome to Monday! 

According to Mrs. Annie, ya'll made over $400 yesterday!! That's great! I'm proud of you :) 

Now just cha-cha-slide straight through this school work today and you'll get to have Brooke tonight! 

For History today we're going to be talking about the House of Burgesses. To kind of recap where we are, Pocahontas has just passed away, ending a time of peace between the Jamestown colonists and the native nations ruled by her father Powhatan. This was in 1618. (Keep in mind that I'm telling you dates to help you see how close things are happening in history. Some things may happen 10 years apart, and some things may be just months apart. I don't want you to be so focused on trying to remember dates that you forget the real meat of what is going on. I hope that you'll be able to say "this happened in the 1600s" but really just focus on the Whats right now..not then whens. There are a few things I do want you to know a when for, but when those pop up I'll let you know!) 
OK, the very next year, in 1619 the Virginia Company (remember them? they funded the Jamestown Colony) established the House of Burgesses. This was the first type of government in the new world. It was a representative government, meaning that the "Burgesses" (or what we would call representatives) were chosen from the colony to represent the other colonists in making laws, etc. 
Watch this Shmoop video about the House of Burgesses.  While you are watching the video, take notes. You will notice sentences pop up in orange lettering throughout the video. Those are good things to write down. You may want to add other things that you hear also. At the end of the video, all the sentences that popped up in orange will be in a list. You can pause the video and make sure that you have all of them. 

For Math you have to complete the placement quiz for multiplication on XtraMath. I see where you have done some of it, but it isn't finished. 

For Science answer these questions from the lesson on Light Reactions of Photosynthesis

  1. Where do plants get the raw materials for photosynthesis?
  2. What do plants take up through their roots? Which of these substances are used for photosynthesis?
  3. Where does the chemical reactions of photosynthesis take place?
  4. Describe the structures of the chloroplast where photosynthesis takes place.
  5. What would happen if the stomata of a plant leaf were glued shut? Would that plant be able to perform photosynthesis? Why or why not?
  6. What are the reactants needed to perform photosynthesis? The products?
  7. What happens to the products of photosynthesis?
For Reading, read this interview done with John Green about The Fault in Our Stars.  John Green always writes what he knows-the best authors always do. I had wondered how The Fault in Our Stars  fit into his past, and you'll find out here in this interview.  On this same site on the right side there are some audio clips from the interview if you'd like to here more.
Also, see if you can find out where the title comes from. Here's a hint to get you started: Its from a quote in Shakespeare. 

 No spelling today. 

For Grammar we're going to be talking about commas with coordinate adjectives today. Read this to learn more about it. Watch this video for a little extra explantation,  then go here to practice. 
(By the way, the music in this video is annoying and no one talks. I would turn the audio off if I were you.)

For writing, do your Daily 10 topic: Second Look
Share a first impression that proved to be totally wrong. What changed your mind?
Also, I don't see your Oreo activity. If you haven't done that, make sure to do it today. 

Ok, chica-that's enough for today. I promise that next Monday I'll be home with you!! Ok. I really really hope that next Monday I'll be home with you. From now until Christmas I may be working on some Mondays because its getting really busy for Mrs. Megan. Keep in mind though that we have all of this week and all of next week, then we're taking all of the next week off for Thanksgiving! And Aunt Amy and Grandaddy and everybody will be coming :D 
I love you so, so much!! And always remember: 

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