Thursday, November 12, 2015

Friday, November 12, 2015

But it did come, Bethany. It did. Its here. 
Happy Friday! 

I hope you are as happy to see Friday as I am! I am looking forward to being off tomomorrow too! woot woot woot woot woot!! 

For History today, we're going to continue with learning about the pilgrims and how they came to be in America. I really didn't plan for us to end up studying about them the week before Thanksgiving, but it worked out kinda cool like that! 

So why did the pilgrims come to America? There was a group of people in England called the Separatists.  They disagreed with the teachings of the Church of England. At that time, the King (King James I) was over both the country and the church, so to not belong to the church was actually considered treason. The Separatists didn't like this and thought that it made the church corrupt. They were also being persecuted because they didn't believe everything that the Church of England taught. (The Church of England was very much like the Catholic church-but not quite.) The Separatists decided to go live in Holland, and they lived their for about 12 years, but they weren't able to earn much money there and didn't have enough to live on. They also wanted their children to grow up with English customs and traditions, not Dutch ones. They decided to go to the New World, but didn't want to go to Jamestown. They were afraid that the people there would treat them badly because of their beliefs. The Separatists (Or Pilgrims-someone who makes a journey for religious reasons), decided to go to an area in Northern Virginia Territory that is near what is now New York. They didn't have any money though-so how are they going to get a ship and food and stuff?? Investors gave them money and in return they were supposed to give the investors a share of the profits of whatever they earned while they were there. They bought a boat called the Speedwell and sailed back to England. They got more colonists to join them and they bought another boat called the Mayflower. 
Now you might be saying "NOW HOLD UP. I've heard of the Mayflower but I've never heard of the Speedwell." That's because when they left England in August of 1620, they realized that the Speedwell wasn't in good enough shape to make the trip, so they sailed back to Plymouth, England. All 102 people crowded into the Mayflower and they set sail again on September 16, 1620. It took them about a month and a half-from Sept. 16 to Nov. 9 to see land again.  Even then, most of the people stayed in the boat while the others went to find food and shelter. The rest of them didn't leave the boat until December 23. They named the place "Plymouth" after the city they had left from in England. On Monday we'll talk about the Mayflower Compact! 

For Science read the lesson on Cellular Respiration  and answer these questions. Make sure to give really good answers! 

  1. What is cellular respiration?
  2. Do plant cells respire?
  3. What kinds of molecules are used for cellular respiration? Give specific examples.
  4. What is the use of ATP? Give three examples of how ATP is used in the cell.
  5. What is the purpose of cellular respiration?
  6. What is ATP?
  7. How much usable energy is extracted from one glucose molecule?

For Math, do XtraMath, then go here and pick a couple of games to play. 

For Writing do your Daily 10 topic: My M.V.S. (most valuable sense)
Which of your five senses is most valuable / important? Explain.

For Reading read anything you like for 30 minutes. On Monday we'll be beginning a new novel that is set during the colonial times. 

That's it for this Friday, Sweet Girl! Do you very best, and always remember: 

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